The Weekly 5/31

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Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
*Some great toddler meal ideas!
*These Matilda Jane style pants  for myself and my girls for $20!
*This yummy salad.
*A DIY for pottery barn jute placemats.

3 Things About Me
*I love older, southern homes.
*I let my big kids dress themselves. They must be approved before leaving the house. This teaches them responsibility, decision making, and making good fashionable choices. Many force clothes on their children. My fear with that is, once they are given the task years later in life they will make poor ones from a lack of practice. My daughter already makes her own judgements on if something is appropriate or not without an argument because she has a guided freedom to dress as she thinks looks best.
*I have been married for 10 years this year. And couldn’t be happier.

Inspiring Me This Week


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Have a great weekend!


April Walker

The Weekly 5/5

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This week is one we will never forget. My husband played The Grand Ole Opry for the first time. The blessing of this opportunity has encouraged us so much! Our family is so thankful. We also appreciate all of the support from friends, family, and fans! Your long journey’s to join us on this special night did not go unnoticed! The night would not have been complete without you. We hope to have many more evenings spent at such a prestige venue. If you missed it, you can listen here.

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
*I love these cute little shorts for my girls!
*I got so many compliments about the shirt I wore to the Opry, here is the link so you can get one too!
*Homeschool finds: Ways to connect science and literacy! An academic plan for the next homeschool year. We are planting a garden, this anchor chart helps encourage learning while we do it!
*Healthy Food Ideas Kids will eat.
*Great read on the disappearance of childhood!

Inspiring Me This Week



April Walker


The Weekly 4/22

Hope you all had a great Easter! Our’s was perfect. We spent the past week at the ballpark. Then our weekend consisted of church services, Easter egg hunts, and family fun outdoors.


Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
*I love a good salad.
*We are about to start studying fractions in math! Here are some ideas! M & M activity, Vocabulary Posters, Pizza Fractions, Equal Parts Worksheet, and a Fraction Clock.
*My workouts are done at home with my treadmill and some free weights. Here are 3 great treadmill workouts.
*I LOVE this hair color and style!!
*Someone please find me a super market sign! And this rug!!!

3 Things About Me
*My grandparents own a farm. So I spent many weekends and summers riding four wheelers in fields, fishing, camping, picking cotton, shooting targets, and other farm life activities.
*I am from Augusta, Ga.
*I went to a science and health magnet high school. If needed I can draw blood, centrifuge it, and do a white blood cell count.

Inspiring Me This Week
Spring blooms, birds, and bunnies have all become present the past couple of weeks in our yard. It is so refreshing to see so much life after a very cold winter. I am feeling creative and ready to take on new projects! 

Have a great week!


April Walker

The Weekly 4/7

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Rileigh 9 years

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Autumn Pearl 18 months

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Jett 6 years

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and me a.k.a. mom

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
* I love this post by Tara Lynn on how she stocked her fridge with tons of healthy foods!
*Reading is one of my favorite hobbies so this list of 100 amazing books thrills me!
*How cute is this idea for your littles? Summer fun with chalk!
*We will soon be planting a garden and this tip on using dried banana peels to fertilize the plants will be very helpful. Also, this post on “manscaping” shares the tip of newspaper to prevent weeds.
*What!? This is neat! A grocery shopping professional supply.
*I love this shop and want to get some of the dresses!
*Fun free science notebook templates!!

3 Things About Me
*I know HTML + CSS web coding. I actually taught myself to help Rhett with his marketing when he was first starting out. Then I actually loved it.
*I dye my hair often.
*I am considering getting chickens!!

Inspiring Me This Week
This healthy mom blogger is inspiring me this week to workout more and eat healthier! She offers a bikini body challenge, which with summer right around the corner, is much-needed!

Have a great week!


April Walker

The Weekly 3/30

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Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
*This list of must read bedtime books for the littles.
*Adorable tree house
*A tutorial on how to paint prairie landscapes!
*I am drooling just looking at the pictures of these Southern Apple Dumplings.
*Sensory bottles, oh my this looks fun!
*A beautiful blue dress that I want in my closet.

3 Things About Me
*I have been married since I was 18.
*I had my firstborn daughter when I was 19.
*I have been married for 10 years this year.

Inspiring Me This Week

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9

It would be so much easier if we all new His way. Instead we must trust that He has something far better in mind.

My sweet hubby sent me flowers this week while he was on the road. That man is so thoughtful and I am so thankful to call him mine.


Have a great week!


April Walker

The Weekly 3/24

onion riles

onion jett

onion rhett


Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles
*These Mason Jar Measuring Cups from World Market look amazing!
*A yummy looking dinner idea that you could take to a friend like Janelle did or you can make it for your family!
*I love this challenge to be happy for 100 days!! I think this is an awesome idea! #100HappyDays
*Fraction pizza looks like a fun way to teach fractions. Can’t wait to try it!

3 Things About Me
*I love cheese. Not much to expand on that..
*I sometimes start dancing in the middle of my workouts when a good song comes on. It’s probably very amusing to my kids.
*I am not musically gifted at all. I don’t play any instruments or sing. Just ask my family. 😉

Inspiring Me This Week
Being patient with others and with God. Sometimes God’s calling is made difficult by others or obstacles. I am working hard to be understanding and patient at all times, even when I can’t see His full plan.

Galatians 6:9 – And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.


April Walker